Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Training videos

Bella loose lead walking

We had a real break through with bellapants this week with lead work. Today Keith filmed us walking home on a nice loose lead with lots of focus on me as we walked along.

We also practised in my mums garden lots of commands today and bella was so funny and did really really well.

Training classes are going really well also and we both are just loving so much doing everything we do with beagle chops. She really is a cracking dog.

This week we both have a week off from work and have been doing so much with her, days out and we spent the weekend with my dad and step mum and their new 8 week old black lab girl. The girls got on fantastically but it really has shown us neither of us are ready yet for another pup lol!! I forgot how much hard work they are!!!

In May little Liily (the black lab) is coming to stay with us for a long weekend so we shall really get to see what it is like lol. I cant wait as she will be old enough to go out and about too.

Madam beagle chops has put her head on my lap making typing on the laptop nigh impossible so I shall have to leave this here tonight. But I will upload more things soon.

Also bell is now 19 months old!!! OMG!!!!