Poor Bella wasnt impressed when she looked out the patio doors this miserable morning and promptly turned and howled at me as if to say 'what you want me to go out....in that! '
I must add here that Bella seems to of grasped the concept of time and days of the week as this morning she did not stir until 10am and thats only because the post man had a parcel for me to take that I got up at that time. Now I know this sounds normal to many but when you are used to walking up at 7am and working weekends and having children/puppies means a lay in becomes a distant dream or something you often hear people talk about! But last night (Friday) my son was sleeping over his nans as he has gone away for a weeks holiday to the coast, hubby had gone out for birthday drinks so me and the Bug spent a lovely evening snoozing and browsing channels on sky snuggled up together in my dressing gown. Husband returned home around 1230 and after we finished the poor excuse for a film, Haunted! we went up to bed and were very rudely awoken at 3am by a lost pizza delivery guy hammering on our door!!! Terrified as to who was rattling the letter box at that time of night we peeped out the window, which was slighlty ajar and we heard him ring up who ever he was meant to be delivering to only to hear the penny drop across the front garden when he realised he was on the wrong side of town!! So as you can imagine a late night led to a late morning but Bella didnt moan,howl or groan she was just very excited to see me stumble down the stairs to reach the door before the postman walked off as they normally do within 2 seconds of ringing the bell!!
So anyways today we took Bell out for a walk in the pouring rain and suprise suprise we were the only walkers out with their dogs-the amount of fair weather walkers here shocks me. Bella is walked what ever the weather/time/day. She was excellent today and spent the whole walk once in the fields and woods with just the long line trailing so free to roam but never strayed far until we get to this one part of the field where since the first day we went there she has enjoyed running round in large circles in this one section! Its as if she remembers this is zoomie field and so off she runs full pelt, ears flowing backwards tongue lolling out the side of her mouth round in huge circles and then straight back to our sides and looks up at us with a big smile as if to say ok lets go home now im tired. :) But there was very little pulling on todays walk, until we passed a carrier bag in the grass whic hbella just HAD to go and sniff so she tried to pull and sat down and sulked when I said no!! Beagles are stubborn creatures but oh so comical with it. Talking of such fooling around, today Bella had one of her funniest little moments yet.
Eeewwww Slug!!
Bella has a tennis ball bone-its a tennis ball shaped like a bone and quite large but she loves it. Today she brought it to me and I threw it and it bounced out the patio door, Bella hates her indoor toys going outside lol so she trotted out to bring it back in but began howling and I mean full on head back nose to the sky howling! She then got the bone as far as the patio door and began whining at us. I thought for some reason she couldnt get it back in the partially closed door but nope she could do. She kept on howling at this bone and looking at us so I really encourgaed her to show me what shes got and she picked it up very delicatly and brought it over and dropped it at my feet and proceeded to whine and howl and paw at me to look at this bone! At first I thought it has got a leaf stuck to it or worse a bit of poo!! but nope its a little slug!!!
ALL that fuss for a slug. >_< now I know lung worm is every where this year, she has all her regular worming and flea treatments which cover lungworm amongst everything else and I have drummed it into her to leave them alone but not to this extent!! After disposing of said slug she carried on throwing her bone around as happy as larry!
She is due a walk now so I best leave it here for today but will add on some more pics of my Bella bug <3 night S xx
Enjoying the sun last week
Watching a line of ants cross the patio with amusment/confusion/awe on her face!
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