Yesterday our Bella turned 9 months old
Monday we took her for a lovely walk along the river and stopped at the pub for a quick (soft) drink. She was an angel and very well behaved just observing everyone and enjoying being admired by everyone! She laps up attention! Whilst in the park we had a little training session and we have perfected our crawl command in 3 goes :D very quick at learning new commands. She often on walks will drop down on her belly and crawl along with her bum in the air so whilst asking for a roll over and lie down in the park she started to crawl towards me so I just add the cue word (crawl) as she does the action and after repeating 3 times she can do it on command. Beagles are very quick learners.
She was so tired after our lovely walk that she came home and jumped straight on the sofa and stayed like this for a few hours! Bliss.
I also wanted to jot down all Bellas commands and tricks she does.
- Lie down
- Sit
- Wait
- Stay
- Paw
- Speak (bark)
- Sing (howl)
- Find Jordy/mummy/daddy
- Fetch ball
- Crawl
- Roll over
- Bedtime (goes to her crate and lies down)
- Wee wee (wee's more or less on command on walks)
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