Its definately put me off considering her for breeding (even though it was really just a distant dream as I havent a clue and money to really follow it through) as I cant put her through another season and although we had planned on spaying her we looked at all pros and cons and decided to spay after her first season-in hindsight I wish I had done it before season now but again we made a decision based on pros and cons and thought we chose the right path.
Anyways at the moment the painkillers kicked in as she is fast asleep next to me and relaxed so thats an improvement on the constant fidgiting she was doing bless her.
In a little while we are off to my mums for a BBQ and she can have a lovely play in mums big garden and with the boys playing football if she is up to it.
Todays pic is one I took the other night. She was behind me on the sofa and we snuggled up and I said say cheese bell and looks like she did just that LOL!! please excuse the crazy husband in the background!!!
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