We dropped her off at 845am and she was all eager and excited to be going out in the car and as soon as we pulled in she was like ooook I know this place can we go now!! But she went in tail half wagging half between her legs (and promptly pee'd all over the floor *blush*) and was soon being stroked, fussed, kissed and generally adored by both the vet, Georgie and the vet nurse so she was in her element and being the nosey pupster that she is the chance at being lead out back this time proved enjoyable so she was quite happy to leave us teary eyed (me not hubby!) at the reception desk whilst she trotted off behind the scenes. Then began the agonising 6.5 hour wait to hear how the op went. We knew there was a higher risk with this op not only being done so soon after her season when blood vessels are still dialated making blood loss a high risk but also that we didnt know just how badly affected her womb and uterus was.
By 315 I couldnt stand it any longer and so I rang and heard those words she is ok. She is awake and sitting up in her cage howling for her mum to come get her :D Due to working hours me and the husband couldnt get to her before 5pm so it felt like forever from when I said goodbye in the morning until then. As I sat in the waiting room I could hear her little howls and my heart melted at that sound. Soon she was brought through wobbling and shakey legged out to reception wearing her buster collar and crashing into everything love her!!
She was still so drowsy whilst me and the vet chatted she fell asleep standing and began snoring! LOL! She also did a huge wee on the floor so we know her bladder is ok!!
Georgie explained that her uterus had been more enlarged than first thought and also "flexible" so easier to remove than normal? but def signs of start of something bad going on so just as well I noticed that strange discharge as she had no more of it either after that! Very lucky indeed.
Her tooth also came out during the op as for some reason her milk canine tooth never fell out and her adult one grew next to it causing food to be trapped and getting sore so she removed that for me and her belly looks very neat and clean.
Shes currently laying on the bed at my feet just watching me, Ive removed the collar as she was whining a lot and looking uncomfortable-I will add a piccy of her in her "cone of shame" for those of you who have seen the film UP will know what I mean :) but if she begins to lick her belly then im afraid it goes back on :,( so far I have told her to leave and she has done but im sure by tomorrow she will be a nightmare!!
Im just boiling her some chicken to see if I can get her to eat anything as its been 24 hours now since she last ate and that will be gentle and bland on her tummy.
So my little girl is home where she belongs and I can relax somewhat although im worried about tonight and im worried to go to work tomorrow but least she is home again :)
Night xx

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