Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Big sister Bella.

Yesterday Bella became a big sister to 3 little girls. Seeing new beagle pups makes me think wow when was she ever that small! and how on earth did she get to 17 months old? It seems not long ago she was all needle sharp teeth and huge floppy ears that she tripped over.
Im insanely broody for another pup but right now is not the right time to venture there.

This weeks puppy class was a huge success. Aside from the initial excitement on meeting the other dogs and pups she settled in and once again focused on us and our commands. Also would you believe it we had a section on greeting other dogs and recalling them and for the first time EVER she didn't want to go meet the 2nd dog!! *rolls eyes* but hey least she recalled when asked. Shes also got the emergency stop and drop down to a fine art and the impulse wait too. Good girlie.
The biggest trouble im having is that she has zero interest in toys unless it involves gutting them and destroying them so where as all the dogs in the class are happy to use a ball in the class bell wont, she looks at the ball as if to say "I am NOT putting THAT in my mouth!" However the trainer suggested using a kong in class so I will freeze a tasty kong sunday and take it with us monday, and Ive also found her kong toy she does like playing with (for v short periods) and Ive been using that today with good success. Throwing the treat/toy and telling her "wait" before letting her go collect it. This is working on her impulse to go get something.

Im also making sure I spend 5 minutes during her walks to practice these commands and she is doing grand. I still get the odd howl back at me when I ask her to do something but thats just our bell. Gobby dog!!

This weekend we are off to an extra training class out in the common with real distractions and other dogs :O Im also hoping we can have some more off lead play as she was SO good last time. Plus having the trainer handy will be a huge boost for me as Im just so scared she will vanish and not come back :( I shall update on the success of that at the weekend.

As Im on the ipad today I cant add piccys but I will do as have taken some lovely pics of her highness lately, I also have a wriggly beagle trying to stretch out so best end this here before it ends up on the floor!! xx

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