Shes been out at 1030pm but its just not the same and me and hubby have been attacked by mosquitos every evening too. yucky!! We did take her over the park one night and for a drive in the car but we stayed next to the car mostly and if we saw another dog we dived back in the car lol!!
The infection and sickness has gone thankfully and she is on no more painkillers or antibiotics bless her.
I am on the hunt for a pool for bella but I think I will be unsuccessful-plus husband has said its silly "shes only a dog!, she knows when to cool down etc" but I think she would like it and would get her used to swimming as once summer is over I would love to take her to the beach and let her swim about and play. So I am trying to sort out a hose and sprinkler so she can cool off and my grass is dying in the heat so will be good for that too.
Ive just taken a pic of bella on my old dogs bed as when we first got her she couldnt really climb up on to it and she was teeny on it.... but now she is stretched out completely on it and shows just how much she has grown in the last 6 months.