We took her out on Sunday (our second wedding anniversary and her 11th month birthday) to a lovely place called Hankley common, near Elstead in Surrey. Its a beautiful place although somewhat confusing lol as it has a golf course running through the middle and its on MOD land and we had tanks and gun fire going off whilst we were there! Not sure how you can play golf with all that going on but hey! I took some lovely pics of her and here they are, Bella at 11 months old.
Running down the hill to me :)
I have found a real must have for training. Dried duck and chicken fillets from pets at home (and more stores online I would imagine) she will stay by my side through out a walk and when I give her the "go" comand she will run off and come straight back on one whistle and sit down ready tail wagging lol.
I measured her yesterday and she is now 16" tall at her shoulders but trying to measure her length wise proved impossible as she kept trying to eat the tape measure LOL!!
Her belly scar has healed perfectly and is now only a very thin line right down the middle and her fur is growing back where she was shaved although her leg where she had the drip is growing back very blonde which looks funny on her brown leg.
ooo new trick taught the other week. Ive noticed some songs Bella will start to howl to when I sing along (admittidly this could be her telling me I have awful singing voice but we shall gloss over that fact) and one song in particular is Kings Of Leon Use somebody and she will howl along to the chorus and is just TOO cute :) if I work out how to upload a video here I will add that.
Anyways I need to pop to work :( xxx
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