She has settled right back down again after her spay op and is back to being a very cuddly chilled out dog with the odd nutty moment thrown in and is just an utter joy to have around.
I think she has stopped growing now and is just a perfect size, albeit a heavy lump!! But not too chunky and not skinny lol. Her appetite has picked up too-a side affect of the spay op by all accounts. So Im cutting back on food and treats to make sure she doesnt become a porky!
I have also come across the best invention EVER for owners with a dog/puppy who pulls like a frieght train! Its a bungee lead which acts like a shock absorber and when the dog pulls they dont really get anywhere and kind of "boing" to a halt. Its very gentle no sudden elasticated pinging off the end of a lead but just slows them down to a halt without wrenching your arm out of the socket or the dog ending up flying backwards off the end of their lead, which at the end of the day can cause long term damage to both owner and dog. I hope Im allowed to link to this product but I really do recommend it. Its meant to be used as a lead for walking ie. Street walks but I clip it on to her harness and attatch the long line to it to allow her to run about the fields freely. It is also amazing walking the roads as it prevents her from jumping up at people (her new hobby!) and also gives me such control over her. I ordered it from here this is also where I bought her pink harness as im often asked where people can buy one also :)
We recently took Bella to the beach for the very first time and she LOVED it.
We went to West Wittering and here are some piccys of that day.
Its a fantanstic beach for dogs with miles and miles of beach and loads of poo bins (very important for dog owners) and fresh water taps every where to fill up bowls. Sand dunes and flat sand for as far as you can see. And yes Bell really enjoyed as did we all. I dont think ive known her to sleep so much as she did that night and next morning.
I cant believe she has been home nearly 1 whole year now!! how time flies when you are having fun!
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