She is defiantly a beagle in some respects-stubborn minded (my kind of girl) she knows what she likes and wants and takes some persuading to change her mind-for example if she wants to go one way on a walk and we want to go another she will sit down and wont budge for love nor money or a piece of chicken until she decides for herself that she wants to go that way and then acts as if she wanted to go that way all along!! She has the typical beagle "deafness" if she finds a scent no amount of calling, tempting or food will tear her away until she has found the source or lost the scent which is why she remains onlead on all her walks for her own safety. But she is very loving and every day since she came home she has had the family in stitches with laughter with her mannorisms and the quirky things she does. Bella also always has to have the last word and I swear she sometimes answers me back under her breath! And boy does she talk to you!! if you start making noises she answers back and thats it you then have 5 mins of uuufffing and awwwoooing going on followed up by her jumping up and sitting on you!
She is a lovely little girl and so intelligent that I cant keep up with her lol. She picks things up so quickly and loves to learn new tricks. Last week I taught her "get back" which means go sit back down on the rug and wait. Im also trying (and this is the hardest yet!) to teach her "play dead" she kind of gets the hang of it yet wont stay "dead" lol and gets up to quick for her treat!!
I had my first bad experience dog walking at the weekend sadly which marred our 1 year "anniversary" with Bella. I often come across idiotic or lazy (or both) walkers who let their dogs off lead and then have their dog(s) come and say hi to bella who is onlead and more often than not they either snap at her or wont leave us alone. And where are the owners?? too busy on their phones, the other side of the field or just totally unaware!! Ive NO problems with any dog being off lead as long as they are dog friendly. 2 weeks ago Bella got jumped on by 4 dogs a lady was walking and she hadnt seen us and Bella didnt know what to do or where to go. The puppy was just being a puppy and jumping up-which bella doesnt mind and willl happily play with any dog like this but the 2 labs were too full on and big and getting caught up in the lead and the collie that was with them started snapping at her heels and chasing her :( not nice at all although in this instance the owner did apologise and genuinly hadnt seen us.
However Sundays walk was ruined by pretencious idiots and it really shock me up afterwards. We had just been for a lovely walk in a different part of a common we normally walk on and were heading back up to the carpark when a border collie came running towards us and ran back up to its owners who were coming down the track towards us. We then carried on walking up the hill and the collie came flying past us followed by 2 huge dogs (which ive later identified as pharoh dogs) and 1 sniffed Bella and the other ignored her (ok by me) we exchanged greetings with the owners (2 ladies and a man) and again carried on walking towards the car when suddenly one of their dogs was right on top of bella and growling and snarling and bit bella on the neck. Bella instantly went OTT submissive and belly on the floor and their dog was still stood over her so I yelled to the owners to please put their bloody dogs on leads and hubby shouted if your dogs are aggressive put them on leads. Well we then received a barrage of abuse from the 3 of them about how cruel we are, how sorry they felt for our dog being stuck on lead and how if she had been off lead their dog wouldnt of gone to her--is that an admission of having an aggressive dog?? So we yelled back WTF she is a young beagle you dont let them off with zero recall and she is a long lead (28m) they are in the wrong having their dogs off but oh no they were right and just kept saying how cruel we are and that their dogs are not aggressive and after all the owner would know as she is, wait for it.....a dog behaviourist!!!! OMG where ever she got her credentials obviously hands them out like sweeties if some one like that can call themselves one!! And they walked off saying what ever and byeeeeeee. ARRGGGHHH makes my blood boil now just thinking about it. For starters how the heck dont they know my dog hadnt just been off lead for the past hour and was onlead as we were near the carpark!!
Some people really need lessons in owning a dog!!
Anyways thats enough moaning from me and ill leave you with some pics taken before the walk was ruined. xxx
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little pup in a big world |
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the common we walked round |
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after digging in the sand lol |
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